Taxonomy and Conservation of Endangered Fish Species: Challenges and Strategies
biodiversity (BD), Taxonomy (T), conservation ©, fish Species (FS), SPSS softwareAbstract
Regarding the maintenance of biodiversity and the stability of ecosystems, the taxonomy and conservation of endangered fish species are of paramount importance. This paper explores the many difficulties and tactics involved in defending these delicate aquatic species. Taxonomic ambiguity, data gaps, habitat degradation, overfishing, invasive species, pollution, and the overall effects of climate change are obstacles in this endeavor. The conservation and restoration of critical ecosystems are crucial for the survival of these species, and accurate species identification and thorough data are fundamental. Strategies for invasive species control, climate adaptability, and sustainable fisheries management are important. A comprehensive strategy for conservation must include money for research, international cooperation, and public education. In order to successfully solve these issues, scientists, policymakers, communities, and organizations must work together. We can ensure a more resilient and balanced aquatic environment for future generations by putting the suggested ideas into practice. By doing so, we can work towards protecting endangered fish species and the complex web of life they sustain.