Fish taxonomy in the digital age challenges and opportunities


  • William Bernard Rivot South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity (SAIAB), Makhanda, South Africa


Fish taxonomy (FT), Digital Age (DA), Challenges (C), Opportunities (O)


In the digital era, the discipline of fish taxonomy is undergoing substantial developments, bringing both difficulties and possibilities. The research describes that fish taxonomy in the digital age related to this research also presents challenges and opportunities between them. Digital technologies such as DNA barcoding, bioacoustics, and sophisticated imaging techniques are revolutionizing traditional methods of species identification and categorization. Navigating the huge volumes of data created by these technologies presents challenges, necessitating sophisticated bioinformatics and computational techniques. Furthermore, taxonomists must integrate digital data with conventional morphological observations to achieve complete and accurate species descriptions. For measuring, the research used some numerical and some theory-based tests related to fish taxonomy and the digital age. However, the digital era presents unparalleled prospects for worldwide collaboration and data exchange among scientists. Online databases and platforms enable the distribution of taxonomic information, hastening the discovery and recording of new species. The use of citizen science and crowdsourcing data improves the discipline even more, allowing for greater engagement in fish taxonomy. This democratization of information benefits not only the cataloging of existing species but also the monitoring and understanding of the impact of environmental changes on fish populations. The overall research found that a significant link between fish taxonomy and the digital age also presents a direct relation between them. To summarize, while the digital era presents obstacles in storing and analyzing large amounts of information, it also opens up new avenues for collaboration and creativity in fish taxonomy. Making use of these opportunities can lead to a more dynamic and comprehensive knowledge of aquatic biodiversity.





